‘Surpriseville’ visits the City of Surprise, Arizona; a man-made oasis; a master-planned community where residents go to great lengths to ensure life is as safe as possible. Yet perfect order is sustained through strict rules and regulations, gates and walls that surround and divide them. What are the residents giving up in the pursuit of happiness and security?
The film explores 21st century suburbia, where high-density, master-planned cities are defined by walls, gated communities and privatised spaces; where the longing to create the perfect community is undermined by mistrust, fear and division, and the desire for perfect security and happiness appears at odds with our freedom.
Screening Formats: Digi Beta, Beta SP, DV-Cam
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Glasgow Film Festival 2011
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Sheffield Doc/Fest 2010
Supported by: Creative Scotland, BBC Scotland
Official Website
To arrange a screening contact: info@scotdoc.com