An enchanting, immersive portrait of grass waving in the wind.
Filmed in Edinburgh’s Holyrood Park, where a large variety of grasses (graminoids) grow freely to great heights. Their beauty is unlocked as they collectively bow for the stormy weather.
Graminoids follows the movement of grass on a wide range of scales. People and birds enter the screen, but remain in the background of the ballet that is performed on the symphony of the wind.
WORLD PREMIERE – Edinburgh International Film Festival 2014
INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE – Festival du Nouveau Cinéma 2014
WINNER – Creative Edinburgh Award 2014
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Ann Arbor Film Festival 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Go Short – Nijmegen 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Full Frame Documentary Film Festival 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Ashland Independent Film Festival 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION Alchemy Film Festival 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Madeira Film Festival 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Electric Eye Music Fest 2015
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival 2015
SCREENED – Whitechapel Gallery – London 2015
SCREENED – Irish Sound, Science, and Technology Conference 2015
SCREENED – Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) 2015
“Demelza Kooij and Lars Koens haven’t made a headlining film with Graminoids, but it’s one that I will find myself telling friends about later – and then futilely searching Netflix and the internet for henceforth.” – Chris Vitiello, Carolina Theatre of Durham
”A lilting paean to the manifold strains of native grass that cultivate upon Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh. Frenetic movement and textures dominate the frame, and the synergy between sound, locomotion, and image creates a hypnotic sensory panorama.”- Lydia Beilby
”The documentary short combines mesmerizing long shots of the meadow’s undulations and tight shots of the individual strands of grass. A graceful respite, it needs no plot.” – Indy Week
”Graminoids, in its silvery black and white cinematography made the invisible, visible… in a piece in which image and sound are composed seamlessly together to rapturous effect.” – Harriet Warman
Official Website
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This film was developed with the support of SDI Consultancies , an ongoing service for filmmakers in Scotland.