In 1984, Mrs A heard voices in her head. They said “don’t be afraid”. They tried to re-assure her she wasn’t crazy. And they informed her she had a brain tumour that could kill her stone dead.
Filmed using a blend of stylized reconstruction and the personal testimony of Dr Azuonye – the psychiatrist who gambled his professional credibility on listening to the voices – this is the remarkable story of a woman who owes her life to unseen angels and an eminent scientist who was prepared to believe.
“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.” – Albert Einstein
Screening Formats: Digi Beta, DV-Cam
NOMINATED – Saltire Award – Edinburgh International Film Festival 2005
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Palm Springs Short film Festival 2006
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Seattle International Film Festival 2006
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Expresión en Corto 2006
OFFICIAL SELECTION – Tehran Short Film Festival 2006
Supported by: Scottish Documentary Institute
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