Environment policy – our commitments
“We strive to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner, developing our own measurable carbon management plan and applying this plan to our day-to-day operations.
We will work with partners to encourage environmentally sustainable behaviours among the individuals we support and the organisations and partners we work with cross the creative industries and outwith.”
Which means:
- We want to run greener offices (efficient use of lighting, heating, recycling and waste management).
- We encourage the use of cycling to work; public transport for all staff travel; encourage travel only when necessary (e.g. increased use of video for meetings); and avoid duplication of staff travel. We are signed up to the “Bike to Work” scheme.
- Environmental sustainability will be everyone’s responsibility and built into job descriptions and contracts.
- We have appointed a member of staff as environmental champion to research and encourage green practice. We adhere to sustainable principles: integrity, inclusivity, transparency, and stewardship; and minimising environmental impact of every project.
Suppliers and equipment
- We will work with suppliers who operate in a sustainable manner and who, ideally, have an environmental policy of their own.
- We try to source as many goods and services as possible from local companies.
- We will buy equipment that is as energy efficient as possible, balanced with cost efficiency.
- We will communicate digitally via e-mail, our website, social media or in person wherever possible and use print only when necessary. This will apply to publications, newsletters, leaflets and other communications materials.
- Where print is required, we will aim to source suppliers who operate sustainably and use sustainable or recycled materials.
- We will always encourage recycling of our printed materials.
Film Production
- Our film shoots tend to involve small crews and everyone is briefed on minimising impact on environment. We encourage best practice including:
- Battery recycling
- Electrical recycling
- Shut off equipment when not in use
- Using vehicles with low CO2 emissions
- Home cooked lunches / locally sourced catering
- Refillable water bottles
- Familiarisation with http://www.greeningfilm.com/ where applicable
We look at all ways to minimise the impact of travel by combining different activities into single trips, car sharing, as well as carbon offsetting.
We are committed to reducing carbon emissions and will start measuring our progress via claimexpenses.com and with the help of the reporting tools of Creative Carbon Scotland in the areas of waste production and travel.