The complaints procedure is intended as the tool by which anyone not employed by the Scottish Documentary Institute (SDI) may make a complaint about their experience of working with SDI.
It is preferable for any complaint to be satisfactorily resolved informally and as quickly as possible. It is understood however that this is not always possible and that a formal procedure is required to ensure the swift and fair resolution of matters which aggrieve any participant on SDI’s initiatives.
Time scales have been fixed to ensure that complaints are dealt with quickly, however these may be extended if it is agreed upon by both parties.
This procedure is not intended to deal with a member of staff wishing to make a complaint, this should be raised as a grievance according to the grievance procedure.
Stage 1
Anyone with a complaint should raise the matter with Flore Cosquer (SDI Director) verbally or in writing. If the matter itself concerns the Director, the complaint should be submitted to the Chair of the Board (via
The Person receiving the complaint should then respond within 5 working days (i.e. five normal working days) to the complainant. The response will give a full written explanation of the Director’s decision and who to appeal to if it is felt the complaint has not been appropriately resolved. (Stage 2).
Stage 2
In most instances the Company would expect the Director’s decision to be final and for the matter to come to a close. However, in some circumstances the complainant may remain aggrieved and can appeal against that decision.
In this case, an appeal to the Chair of the SDI Board, must be made within ten working days of the original response to the complainant (an email address will be provided). The Chair will attempt to resolve the grievance. A formal response and full explanation will be given in writing, within 10 working days.
There is no further right of appeal. Where however both parties agree that there would be some merit in referring the matter to a third party for advice, conciliation or arbitration, arrangements will then be made to find a mutually acceptable third party.